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Food sensitivities and allergies can occur at any time in life. In fact, of the 10% of adults with food allergies, half of them developed it during adulthood. For what about the reverse? Can food sensitivities go away over time? And is there anything you can do to reduce your symptoms or eliminate your sensitivity or allergy entirely?

What is a Food Sensitivity?

Food sensitivity is any reaction to food that triggers some kind of immune response. But wait! How is that different from a food allergy?

The answer is the severity of the reaction.

In a food allergy, individuals undergo an IgE reaction after exposure to a particular food. Symptoms include swelling, tingling, hives, wheezing, and vomiting. Severe reactions, also known as anaphylaxis, can even be life-threatening. Common food allergies are peanuts, shellfish, wheat, tree nuts, eggs, or dairy.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand, involve a milder and more prolonged immune reaction. Common symptoms include nausea, bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, brain fog, sleep disturbances, dry skin, diarrhoea, and more.

What Causes Food Sensitivities?

The obvious answer is food. However, there’s usually an associated problem like leaky gut working alongside the ‘trigger foods.’

Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, is a condition where the cells living in your intestine no longer function as an effective barrier. As a result, they let certain molecules and undigested food particles pass into your bloodstream, triggering an immune response and chronic inflammation.

Other factors that contribute to food sensitivities include:

  • Hormonal changes impacting digestion and gut sensitivity.
  • Chronic stress compromising the gut lining.
  • Obesity leading to inflammation and altered gut microbiome.
  • Environmental changes that shift gut flora.
  • Prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics disrupting gut bacteria.
  • Genetic predispositions to reactions to certain foods.
  • Poor diet high in processed foods and low in fibre.

Can Food Sensitivities Go Away?

‘Can food sensitivities go away?’ is a common question we get asked. Like food allergies, these conditions aren’t always permanent and can diminish or disappear over time. Several factors contribute to this change.

First, the gut microbiome plays a leading role in food sensitivities. Antibiotic use, poor diet, and stress can alter your gastrointestinal tract’s microbial community. Taking a probiotic, eating a gut microbiome-friendly diet, and relieving stress can yield significant results, potentially alleviating food sensitivity.

Second, consistent avoidance of a particular food can allow the inflammation to settle and the gut to heal. Eventually, a person could reintroduce the food without experiencing an adverse reaction. However, this isn’t always the case.

Moreover, you should always differentiate between a reduced reaction and complete tolerance. Just because symptoms decrease doesn’t mean the sensitivity is entirely gone. If you still notice some mild symptoms, avoid consuming the food on a regular basis, as this keeps your body in a pro-inflammatory state.10% of adults with food allergies, half of them developed it during adulthood

Last, factors like stress, hormonal changes, or other health conditions should be a primary focus. Work to return your body to a normal, healthy, and functional state before attempting a reintroduction. Always speak to a medical professional before introducing a food you’re allergic or sensitive to.

Treating Leaky Gut

If leaky gut syndrome is the underlying cause, there are some simple solutions:

  • Take a probiotic supplement such as sauerkraut, yoghurt, or kimchi. You can also purchase specialist probiotics online.
  • Reduce stress through meditation and yoga to help beneficial gut bacteria
  • Cut smoking, as this is a major factor in chronic inflammation and leaky gut.
  • Improve your sleep to reduce intestinal permeability.
  • Limit your alcohol intake, as it contains compounds that induce gut permeability.

Why Do Allergies and Food Sensitivities Change?

Your body is dynamic. Just because you developed a food allergy or sensitivity during childhood doesn’t mean it will remain forever.

Several factors can diminish or eliminate an allergic reaction. Childhood food allergies, for instance, can sometimes resolve with age, particularly allergies to milk, eggs, or wheat. However, allergies to nuts, shellfish, or fish often persist into adulthood. Even nut allergies aren’t as rock-solid as previously thought – about 20% of children will overcome a peanut allergy.

Meanwhile, some doctors promote low-level exposure therapy, gradually increasing concentrations until your body no longer reacts to the foodstuff.

Food sensitivities are usually the result of a secondary, underlying factor. Once this resolves, it’s not uncommon for the associated sensitivity to disappear or diminish.

Food Sensitivity Testing

So, can food sensitivities go away? Yes! Like allergies, food sensitivities wax and wane depending on several factors, including your gut microbiome, stress, hormonal levels, environmental changes, and more.

While some might lessen or even disappear, others can stick around. Staying informed and regularly checking in with health professionals is key to managing and understanding these sensitivities.

Ready to take control of your health? Dive deep into understanding your body with the Individual Ultimate Test. From nutritional balance to digestive health, uncover 975 sensitivities and more. Say goodbye to the guesswork and start your journey to well-being.

An image of this blog post's author Joseph

This article was written by Joseph, our Health and Science Copywriter and Qualified Doctor

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